Sascha Funke revient avec nouveau projet : "Saschienne". Accompagné de sa femme, chanteuse et multi-instrumentiste, il nous propose un univers assez différent de ses créations solo. Ils explorent ici les relations de couples, et "Unknown" parait une entrée en matière parfaite comme ils l'expliquent eux même. L'album sortira le 26 mars sur le label allemand Kompakt.
Somehow a love story always makes its way through the unknown. Two people who learn to know each other, being aware of what they give up and yet ignoring what the future holds, throwing themselves into an endless sea of question marks, stepping on stones of discord only to find their cloud of harmony. As the first notes of our music were born, we started our journey into the unknown, ignoring that we would one day go out there and share our two-seat-cloud with the rest of the world.- Saschienne